(Image by Will Parson)

Robin Dunbar of the Elizabeth River Project conducts a teachers' workshop at Paradise Creek Nature Park in Portsmouth, Virginia. The area surrounding Paradise Creek—a tributary of the Elizabeth River—was once nicknamed "Paradise Lost" because of its close proximity to the former New Gosport landfill. Now, the creek has become a model for urban waterway restoration.

Since 1991, the Elizabeth River Project has worked tirelessly to restore the Elizabeth River, which flows between the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Chesapeake, Virginia, before making its way to the Bay. For years, the river was one of the most polluted in the region. But in recent years, though the river still faces a long road to recovery, improving trends have brought new hope to a waterway once thought to be devoid of life.

In addition to on-the-ground restoration projects, part of the Elizabeth River Project’s mission is connecting with and educating the local community. Initiatives include the River Star Homes, River Star Schools and River Star Businesses programs; the Learning Barge, a 120-by-32 foot barge-turned-classroom; and Paradise Creek Nature Park, which hosts educational programs for both schools and the general public.

Learn more about the Elizabeth River Project.



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