Invasive Catfish Workgroup

Upcoming Meetings
Invasive Catfish Workgroup Meeting - May 2025
Monday, May 12, 2025 from 10:00am - 12:30pmScope and Purpose
The charge of the Invasive Catfish Workgroup is to coordinate activities and recommend actions to implement the five policy objectives outlined in the Invasive Catfish Policy Adoption Statement, signed and adopted by the Fisheries GIT Executive committee on January 24th, 2012. The Workgroup emphasizes bay-wide communication among jurisdictions and engagement of a broad group of members representing the commercial and recreational fishery, seafood processing industry, state agencies and the science community.
The Invasive Catfish Workgroup is responsible for coordinating the best available science and developing methods to evaluate the impacts of invasive catfish species on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. The role of the Invasive Catfish Workgroup will be to regularly report out on current knowledge of the issue and incorporate all available information on blue and flathead catfish to inform a management strategy for handling these invasive species across all jurisdictions.
2020 Invasive Catfish Management Strategy
This management strategy outlines approaches for achieving the invasive catfish outcome and will inform fishery management plans for invasive catfishes throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
View detailsMembers
Bruce Vogt (Chair), Ecosystem Science Manager, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
200 Harry S. Truman Parkway Suite 460
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: (240) 628-4812
Christina Garvey (Coordinator), Sustainable Fisheries Goal Implementation Team Staffer, Chesapeake Research Consortium
Christina Garvey (Staffer), Sustainable Fisheries Goal Implementation Team Staffer, Chesapeake Research Consortium
Alexa Galvan, Virginia Marine Resources Commission
Branson Williams, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Cathy Liu, Maryland Sea Grant
Chris Ottinger, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Christine Densmore, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Clint Morgeson, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Corbin Hilling, Virginia Tech
Daniel Ryan, DC Division of Fish and Wildlife
District Department of the Environment
1200 First Street NE
Washington DC, District of Columbia 20002
Geoffrey Smith, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
George O'Donnell, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Greg Garman, Virginia Commonwealth University
Heather Walsh, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Ingrid Braun, Potomac River Fisheries Commission
Jorge Holzer Bilbao, Maryland Sea Grant
University of Maryland
2116B Symons Hall
College Park, Maryland 20742
Joseph Capella, Pamunkey Tribe
Josh Saks, Pamunkey Tribe
Margaret Whitmore, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Mary Fabrizio, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)
Mary Groves, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Matthew Ogburn, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
Mike Bednarski, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
P.O. Box 90778
Henrico, Virginia 23228
Phone: (804) 367-6878
Michael Steiger, Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife
Noah Bressman, Salisbury University
Pat Geer, Virginia Marine Resources Commission
Tom Ihde, Morgan State University Patuxent Environmental & Aquatic Research Laboratory
Thomas O'Connell, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
11649 Leetown Road
Kearneysville, West Virginia 25430
Phone: (304) 724-4401
Troy Tuckey, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)
Yan Jiao, Virginia Tech
Beth Brewster, Charles County Public Schools
Brenda Stahl, Profish
Chris Rubino, JJ McDonnell
Chris Sopko, Sea Farms INC
Dan Zimmer
George Trice
Gregory Casten
JC Hudgins
Matthew Scales, Maryland Department of Agriculture
Meade Amory, Amory Seafood
Mike Hutt, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Mitchell Bode, JJ McDonnell
Roxanne Wolf, Shore Gourmet
Stephanie Pazzaglia, JJ McDonnell
Adrienne Kotula, Chesapeake Bay Commission
Allison Colden, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Chris Moore, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
3663 Marlin Bay Drive
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454
Phone: (757) 622-1964