Help Protect the Bay
Our everyday actions—from fertilizing our lawns to driving our cars—have a major impact on the Bay. But by making simple changes in our lives, each one of us can take part in restoring the Bay and its rivers for future generations.
Keep Fertilizer Off Hard Surfaces
Keep lawn fertilizer off hard surfaces like walkways and driveways, where it can easily wash into storm drains.
Fertilize in the Fall
If you need to fertilize your lawn, do it during the fall months. Spring rains will wash fertilizer off lawns and into local waters.
Take Shorter Showers
Take shorter showers. By cutting your shower time by five minutes, you can save 10 to 12 gallons of water per shower.
How to Deice the Bay-friendly Way
In large doses, many popular snow and ice removal methods can be harmful to our local waterways. There are many ways to keep walkways safe while also helping to reduce pollution.
Learn moreKnow Your Grass
Identify the type of grass growing in your yard so you can care for it properly. For example, cool-season grasses are best fertilized in fall.
Protect Your Septic System
Do not plant trees or shrubs near your septic drain field. Roots clog septic drain lines and cause overflows.
Conserve Water
To save water, only run your washing machine when it is full. Also, most of the energy required for washing clothes is spent heating water. To save energy, set your washing machine to cold water or the woolens setting.
"Grasscycle" Lawn Clippings
Instead of fertilizing, leave leftover grass clippings on your lawn for a natural source of nitrogen.
Pump Septic System Regularly
Have your septic system pumped out every three to five years to prevent accidental sewage overflows.
Observe Wake Laws
Following speed limits and no-wake laws helps avoid churning up sediment, harming underwater grasses and eroding nearby shorelines.