Do you have a question about the Chesapeake Bay? Explore our list of frequently asked questions to learn more about the Bay and its watershed, habitats and wildlife. You can browse the FAQ by category, or explore the answers to some of our most common questions below.
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How many wastewater treatment plants are there?
The Chesapeake Bay region is home to 472 municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
What pollutants are found in wastewater?
Depending on the source, some wastewater can contain nutrient or sediment pollution, or dissolved chemical contaminants.
How does wastewater affect the Chesapeake Bay?
Depending on the source, some wastewater can contain nutrient or sediment pollution, or dissolved chemical contaminants. If left untreated, those pollutants can cause harm to waterways, wildlife or humans when released back into the environment.
What is wastewater?
Wastewater is all the used water that originates from households—toilets and bathroom fixtures, kitchens, laundry, lawn and garden irrigation, swimming pools—as well as from industrial, commercial and agricultural activities and polluted runoff.
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