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American Avocet

Recurvirostra americana

The American avocet is a medium sized bird with a rust-colored head, upturned bill and long legs. It lives in open areas with little vegetation and shallow waters, and can be found throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed during the winter months.

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American avocets wade in shallow water to find prey.

American Black Duck

Anas rubripes

The American black duck is a dusky brown dabbling duck that appears black from a distance. It lives year-round along the quiet, isolated tidal wetlands of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers.

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A male and female American black duck, set apart by the color of their bills, swim in a body of water.

American Coot

Fulica americana

The American coot is a dark, duck-like bird with a white bill. It visits the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers, creeks and wetlands from autumn through spring.

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An American coot swims through a marsh, its yellow legs and large feet visible just under the water's surface.

American Oystercatcher

Haematopus palliatus

The American oystercatcher is a large, stocky shorebird with a distinctive long, blade-like, reddish-orange bill. It lives on beaches, mud flats and exposed oyster bars along the lower Chesapeake Bay.

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An American oystercatcher walks across an exposed clam bar, its reddish-orange bill standing out against the blue water in the background.

American Wigeon

Mareca americana

Wintering in the Bay, American wigeons are known for the green stripe and white spot on the heads of males.

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Two wigeons fly together through a farm during winter.

Bald Eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

The bald eagle is a large raptor with a yellow, hook-shaped bill and a white head and tail. It lives in forested, sparsely developed areas near rivers, wetlands and other waterways throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

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A bald eagle flies through a blue sky with its brown wings open wide and its white head and tail clearly visible.

Baltimore Oriole

Icterus galbula

Baltimore orioles are orange and black songbirds, slightly smaller than a robin. They visit the Chesapeake Bay region during the summer months.

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A close-up view of a male Baltimore oriole shows its black head and bright orange breast and shoulders.

Barn Owl

Tyto alba

The barn owl is a medium-sized raptor with a large, heart-shaped face. It is found throughout the Chesapeake region. 

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A captive barn owl with brown leather straps around its legs perches on a stand, its gold, tan and white feathers standing out against a black background.

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

The barn swallow is a small, agile bird that visits open waters, wetlands and farm fields throughout the Chesapeake Bay region from spring through autumn.

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A barn swallow perches on the top of a rust-colored bush.

Barred owl

Strix varia

Barred owls are large owls with round heads and a stout stature. They can be recognized by their "who-cooks-for-you, who-cooks-for-you-all" call. Barred owls and common barn owls are the only eastern owl species that have dark brown eyes.

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A barred owl perches on the flaking bark of a decaying tree branch, its large brown eyes looking directly at the camera.