Field Guide
Explore the Field Guide to learn about more than 350 species of birds, fish, insects, algae, invertebrates, mammals, plants, reptiles and amphibians that live in the Chesapeake Bay region.
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Showing: 10 of 23American Brook Lamprey
Lampetra appendixThe American brook lamprey is a jawless filter feeder than can be found in freshwater streams and rivers.
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American Eel
Anguilla rostrataThe American eel is a smooth, snake-like fish that lives in rivers, streams and other freshwater areas throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Blue Catfish
Ictalurus furcatusThe blue catfish is a large, smooth-skinned fish with a slate blue body and whisker-like barbels around its mouth. It was introduced to the region in the 1970s, and is now considered an invasive species.
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Lepomis macrochirusThe bluegill is a colorful sunfish with an olive green, saucer-shaped body. It lives in lakes, ponds, streams and other freshwater bodies throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Brook Trout
Salvelinus fontinalisThe brook trout is a brilliantly colored fish that lives in clear, cold freshwater streams and rivers in undeveloped areas throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Brown Bullhead
Ameiurus nebulosusThe brown bullhead is a smooth-skinned catfish with a mottled, brownish body and whisker-like barbels around the mouth. It lives in slow-moving ponds, streams and rivers throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Chain Pickerel
Esox nigerThe chain pickerel is a torpedo-shaped fish named for its distinctive chain-link looking coloration and an aggressive predation.
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Channel Catfish
Ictalurus punctatusThe channel catfish is a large, smooth-skinned fish with a bluish or greenish-gray body and whisker-like barbels around the mouth. It lives in fresh and brackish rivers throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Chesapeake Channa
Channa argusThe Chesapeake Channa is a large, long fish with a mottled, snake-like pattern.
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Chesapeake Logperch
Percina bimaculataThe Chesapeake logperch is a rare species of the darter fish family that is only found in the tributaries of the Susquehanna River.
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