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The common backswimmer uses its powerful hind-legs to swim upside-down under the water's surface where it hunts its prey.

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Backswimmer with two long hind-legs

Baltimore Checkerspot

Euphydryas phaeton

The Baltimore checkerspot is a black, orange and white butterfly that feeds on white turtlehead leaves and nectar. It can be found in the entire Chesapeake Bay region.

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Bee Fly

Bombylius spp.

The bee fly is a bee-mimic that lays its eggs in bee nests.

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Blue-Winged Wasp

Scolia dubia

Blue-winged wasps are parasitic insects that lay their eggs on beetle larvae. They are great for controlling beetles in a garden.

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A blue-winged wasp sips nectar from a cluster of small yellow flowers.

Bumble Bees

Bombus Spp.

Bumble bees are small, black and yellow fuzzy insects found throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. They are important pollinators and are threatened by pesticides, herbicides, habitat loss, disease and climate change.

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Caddisflies are moth-like insects that are attracted to lights at night and live near lakes or rivers. They are popular food for fish and often used in fishing.

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Neotibicen canicularis

Annual cicadas, also known as dog-day cicadas, emerge every summer in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 

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Dragonflies and Damselflies


Dragonflies and damselflies are commonly in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. These insercts large eyes and wide airplane wings at rest. 

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Eastern Dobsonfly

Corydalus cornutus

The eastern dobsonfly is a large nocturnal insect that can be an important indicator of stream health.

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Emerald Ash Borer

Agrilus planipennis

The emerald ash borer is a green, shiny beetle that lives on ash trees in certain parts of Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. It is an invasive species.

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