Field Guide
Explore the Field Guide to learn about more than 350 species of birds, fish, insects, algae, invertebrates, mammals, plants, reptiles and amphibians that live in the Chesapeake Bay region.
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Showing: 10 of 82American Beautyberry
Callicarpa americanaAmerican beautyberry supports rich berries for birds and is native to Virginia’s portion of the Chesapeake watershed.
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American Chestnut
Castanea dentataThe American chestnut was once an abundant native tree that could grow 100 feet tall. Now, threatened by disease, the tree rarely makes it to maturity.
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American Holly
Ilex opacaThe American holly is an evergreen tree with stout, stiff branches and spine-tipped leaves. Female trees have small, bright red berries. It grows in moist areas throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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American Persimmon
Diospyros virginianaThe American persimmon is a native tree that produces bright orange fruits in the fall. The fruits have a long history of use by humans and serves as a critical food source for wildlife at a time when food is scarce.
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American Pondweed
Potamogeton nodosusAlso known as longleaf pondweed, American pondweed is considered a nuiance species. It is a rooted, perennial herb that has both submerged and floating leaves.
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Arrow Arum
Peltandra virginicaArrow arum is a native perennial plant with large, arrowhead-shaped leaves. It grows in shallow, tidal fresh waters throughout the Chesapeake Bay region.
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Atlantic White Cedar
Chamaecyparis thyoidesThe Atlantic white cedar is a tall evergreen tree with scaly, fan-shaped foliage and a cone-like shape. It grows in swamps, marshes and other wet areas near the coast in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.
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Bald Cypress
Taxodium distichumThe bald cypress is a tall, deciduous tree with needle-like leaves and distinctive “knees” that rise up from the soil or water around it. It grows in swamps and forests in parts of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.
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Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirtaThe black-eyed Susan is a native plant with golden yellow flowers that bloom throughout the summer.
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Blackhaw Viburnum
Viburnum prunifoliumBlackhaw viburnum is a multi-stemmed shrub with large clusters of white flowers.
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