Field Guide
Explore the Field Guide to learn about more than 350 species of birds, fish, insects, algae, invertebrates, mammals, plants, reptiles and amphibians that live in the Chesapeake Bay region.
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Showing: 10 of 16American Coot
Fulica americanaThe American coot is a dark, duck-like bird with a white bill. It visits the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers, creeks and wetlands from autumn through spring.
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American Oystercatcher
Haematopus palliatusThe American oystercatcher is a large, stocky shorebird with a distinctive long, blade-like, reddish-orange bill. It lives on beaches, mud flats and exposed oyster bars along the lower Chesapeake Bay.
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Black Skimmer
Rynchops nigerThe black skimmer is an elegant forager that flies low over the surface of the water feeling for fish.
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Brown Pelican
Pelecanus occidentalisThe brown pelican is a large, dark-colored water bird that lives along the shores of the middle and lower Chesapeake Bay during summer.
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Common Loon
Gavia immerThe common loon is a duck-like sea bird with a thick, pointed bill and a distinctive black-and-white checkered pattern during breeding season. It visits the Chesapeake Bay in autumn and late winter to feed on open waters.
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Double-Crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritusThe double-crested cormorant is a large, black water bird with a long, hooked bill. It lives year-round on the Chesapeake Bay’s shallow and open waters.
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Greater Yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleucaThe greater yellowlegs is a slender shorebird with a long, upturned bill and distinctive yellow or orange legs.
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Laughing Gull
Leucophaeus atricillaLaughing gulls are medium-sized gulls with white underparts and a gray back. They visit the Chesapeake Bay in the summer to breed.
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Least Tern
Sternula antillarumIn the spring and summer, the least tern can be identified by its black crown and nape, which contrast with its white forehead.
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Piping Plover
Charadrius melodusPiping plover is a small, sand-colored bird that nests along the Atlantic Coast.
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