Stories by Martha Shimkin
Martha brings a diverse and varied background from over 25 years at the Environmental Protection Agency to the Chesapeake Bay Program. She has worked for the past three years in the Office of Water at EPA headquarters, serving as acting Deputy Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, and Office of Wastewater Management, as well as in the Office of Water Immediate Office where she led preparation for the Presidential transition in 2020 and served as acting Deputy Assistant Administrator during the transition. Martha has also served as acting Director, Land and Chemicals Division, in EPA’s MidAtlantic Regional office (Region3) for 5 months in 2017-2018. Throughout her EPA career, Martha has created and managed many programs and policies, led regulatory development, and developed agency plans for implementing new laws.
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 stories
My Clean Water Story: Martha Shimkin
October 19, 2022Bay Program leadership reflects on the Clean Water Act 50th anniversary
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