Stories by Olivia Wisner
Olivia Wisner joined the Chesapeake Research Consortium in 2019 as a Staffer for the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Fostering Chesapeake Stewardship Goal Implementation Team. As a Staffer, Olivia is responsible for supporting the Public Access Planning Team, Citizen Stewardship Team, Chesapeake Conservation Partnership and Education Workgroups as they work to achieve the Outcomes of the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement.
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 stories
Environmental education experts from across the Mid-Atlantic convene for a biennial summit
July 14, 2021State representatives share their environmental education priorities
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Chesapeake Bay educators continue to hone their skills virtually
November 20, 2020NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office releases webinar series for environmental educators
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