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Ask a Scientist: How do heavy spring rainstorms affect the Chesapeake Bay?
April 7, 2011They say April showers bring May flowers. But around the Chesapeake Bay, rainstorms bring a whole lot more.
Read storyPhoto Tour: Decoys and Waterfowl in Havre de Grace
April 6, 2011I have come across quite a few hobbies and crafts in my day that I never knew existed.
Read storyBay Program acting director appointed to advisory council for John Smith Chesapeake Trail
April 4, 2011Chesapeake Bay Program Acting Director has been appointed to the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail Advisory Council.
Read storyFive ways you might be hurting the Chesapeake Bay - without even knowing it
March 31, 2011Many residents of the Chesapeake Bay region know that what they do on land has a direct effect on the Bay's health.
Read storyReport details effects of pollution from lawn fertilizer on Chesapeake Bay
March 29, 2011A new report by Environment Maryland details the harmful effects of lawn fertilizer on the Chesapeake Bay.
Read storyHeavy rainstorms flood Chesapeake Bay with nutrient, sediment pollution
March 22, 2011Early Marchs heavy rains and snow melt caused a flood of nutrients and sediment to flow into the Chesapeake Bay from the Susquehanna River.
Read storyFewer wintering waterfowl counted in Maryland in 2011
March 21, 2011Scientists observed more than 640,000 ducks, geese and swans along Maryland's Chesapeake Bay shoreline this winter.
Read storyUSDA report shows agricultural conservation practices helping reduce pollution to Chesapeake Bay
March 16, 2011A USDA study shows that conservation practices have reduced nutrient and sediment pollution to the Bay and its rivers.
Read storySeven Chesapeake Bay Blogs You Should Read
March 15, 2011You can learn a lot from reading BayBlog, but you shouldn’t stop here!
Read storyChesapeake Brrr! What it's like to work on the Bay in winter
March 10, 2011Have you ever wondered what it's like to work on the water in the middle of winter? Wonder no more.
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