Tagged Stories: "fish"
Juvenile striped bass numbers low in both Maryland and Virginia
November 25, 2024Habitat pressure is impeding reproduction for the Bay’s signature fish
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In search of a true river monster
October 29, 2024The Atlantic sturgeon is slowly recovering in Virginia
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Seven successes show there’s more than one way to restore a wetland
February 12, 2024Seven unique wetland projects from across the Bay watershed
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A rare fish gets a second chance
November 17, 2023Restoring stream habitat in Pennsylvania and Maryland is helping save the Chesapeake logperch
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Lampreys in the Bay—vicious parasite or a welcome wonder?
April 6, 2022The American brook lamprey is a native fish of the Chesapeake Bay
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Removing fish blockages goes hand-in-hand with sediment reduction
January 27, 2022A study of West Virginia’s Opequon Creek watershed reveals high-priority stream blockages
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The Bay’s fisheries are feeling the heat
May 6, 2021NOAA’s annual Mid-Atlantic State of the Ecosystem shares the latest risks and trends for our marine species
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Globetrotters of the Chesapeake region
April 22, 2021These six species travel great distances to visit the Chesapeake Bay watershed
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For fishing enthusiasts, warming waters is a hot issue
March 8, 2021A new report from the American Fly Fishing Trade Association addresses climate change
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Bass confusion from land pollution
January 25, 2021Endocrine disruption in bass directly linked to how humans change the landscape
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