Management Board Quarterly Progress Meeting - December 2023
Date and Time
Thursday, December 14, 2023 from 10:00am - 4:00pm
In person participation is encouraged for this quarterly progress meeting with the Living Resources Cohort. Featured outcomes include:
- Blue Crab Abundance
- Oysters
- Brook Trout
- Fish Passage
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Wetland*
- Black Duck*
*At this meeting jurisdictional representatives from the Wetland Workgroup will provide round-robin updates on their respective Wetland Action Plans. A brief update on Black Duck outcome will also be provided.
Forage Fish and Fish Habitat outcomes, which are also within the Living Resources Cohort, will present during their cohort's 2024 quarterly progress meeting. Both outcomes are considered to be "on course" towards achieving their goals in the draft "Charting a Course to 2025 Report." Similarly, the Wetland and Black Duck outcomes will present their Strategy Review System updates at the Living Resources Cohort's 2024 quarterly progress meeting.
Oyster RoomRelated Files
Meeting materials will be posted as they become available.
- 1. Quarterly Progress Meeting Administrative Slides - 2023 Dec. QPM [PDF, 2.9 MB]
- 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation SRS QPM Presentation [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- 4. Oyster SRS QPM Presentation [PDF, 711.5 KB]
- 5. Blue Crab SRS QPM Presentation [PDF, 742.6 KB]
- 7. Brook Trout SRS QPM Presentation [PDF, 2.2 MB]
- 8. Fish Passage SRS QPM Presentation [PDF, 616.6 KB]
- 9. Wetlands Action Plan Presentation [PDF, 2.9 MB]
Supporting Documents
- 1a. Lunch Order Instructions - 2023 Dec. QPM [PDF, 319.6 KB]
- 1b. Outcome Status Summary Chesapeake Progress [PDF, 736.5 KB]
- 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Outcome Review Summary [PDF, 233.1 KB]
- 4. Oyster Outcome Review Summary [PDF, 258.2 KB]
- 5. Blue Crab Outcome Review Summary [PDF, 271.5 KB]
- 7a. DRAFT Brook Trout Outcome Review Summary [PDF, 307.1 KB]
- 7b. Brook Trout Workplan [PDF, 579.8 KB]
- 8a. Fish Passage Outcome Review Summary [PDF, 207.7 KB]
- 8b. Fish Passage Workplan [PDF, 590.5 KB]