Date and Time

Monday, January 13, 2025 from 11:00am - 1:00pm


This time will be used for the HWGIT and LUWG to discuss the Outcome Assessment ("Big Questions") assignment put forward by the Management Board. This meeting will include discussions on the following outcomes:

Healthy Watersheds Goal:

  • Healthy Watersheds Outcome: 100 percent of state-identified currently healthy waters and watersheds remain healthy. (GIT 4)

Land Conservation Goal:

  • Land Use Methods and Metrics Development Outcome: Continually improve the knowledge of land conversion and the associated impacts throughout the watershed. By 2016, develop a Chesapeake Bay watershed-wide methodology and local level metrics for characterizing the rate of farmland, forest and wetland conversion, measuring the extent and rate of change in impervious surface coverage and quantifying the potential impacts of land conversion to water quality, healthy watersheds and communities. Launch a public awareness campaign to share this information with citizens, local governments, elected officials and stakeholders. (GIT 4)
  • Land Use Options Evaluation Outcome: By the end of 2017, with the direct involvement of local governments or their representatives, evaluate policy options, incentives and planning tools that could assist them in continually improving their capacity to reduce the rate of conversion of agricultural lands, forests and wetlands as well as the rate of changing landscapes from more natural lands that soak up pollutants to those that are paved over, hardscaped or otherwise impervious. Strategies should be developed for supporting local governments’ and others’ efforts in reducing these rates by 2025 and beyond. (GIT 4)

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Healthy Watersheds GIT & Forestry Workgroup Staffer, Marilyn Yang ( or the Land Use Workgroup Staffer, Caroline Kleis (


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