
Increase the number and diversity of local stewards and local governments that actively support and carry out the conservation and restoration activities that achieve healthy local streams, rivers and a vibrant Chesapeake Bay.


The long-term success of the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort will depend on local leadership; local action will depend on strong community stewardship. Building a larger, broader and more diverse community of stewards for watershed restoration is needed to achieve the goals and outcomes outlined in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, as it is stewards who bring the action element that will move our work forward. There are more than 600 conservation and watershed organizations in our region that are educating and empowering community members to restore and protect local rivers and streams. There are tens of thousands of local volunteers who donate their time and talent to our shared goals.



The long-term success of Chesapeake Bay restoration will depend on the actions of individual stewards. Support for activities that expand volunteerism, connect residents to their neighborhood streams, create opportunities for local action and nurture grassroots partnerships will ensure long-term support for the Bay. The outcome was modified by the Principals' Staff Committee in October 2022.


Increase the number and diversity of trained and mobilized volunteers who have the knowledge and skills needed to enhance the health of their local watersheds.

Original Outcome: Increase the number and diversity of trained and mobilized citizen volunteers who have the knowledge and skills needed to enhance the health of their local watersheds.

Britt Slattery
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Local Leadership

While watershed-wide partnerships help coordinate and catalyze conservation efforts, implementation of these efforts happens at the local level. Indeed, local government officials are key partners in our work. By engaging and empowering these officials, we will leverage more resources and ensure better outcomes in the implementation of economic and policy incentives that will support local conservation work.
Continually increase the knowledge and capacity of local officials on issues related to water resources and in the implementation of economic and policy incentives that will support local conservation actions.
Rick Mittler 804-775-0951
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The Chesapeake Bay watershed is a region of profound diversity. Further involving diverse stakeholders not currently represented in our leadership, decision-making or restoration efforts is critical to the continued success of the Chesapeake Bay Program. The outcome was modified by the Principals' Staff Committee in January 2020.


Identify stakeholder groups not currently represented in the leadership, decision-making or implementation of current conservation and restoration activities and create meaningful opportunities and programs to recruit and engage these groups in the Partnership’s efforts.

Original Outcome: Identify minority stakeholder groups that are not currently represented in the leadership, decision making and implementation of current conservation and restoration activities and create meaningful opportunities and programs to recruit and engage them in the Partnership’s efforts.

Lead Workgroup:
Diversity Workgroup
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