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Adoption Statement - Land, Growth, and Stewardship

The Report is meant to serve as a way to address land, growth and stewardship in the Chesapeake Bay Region. It can facilitate future and ongoing public or private actions to be taken by the Chesapeake Bay Program and other stakeholders within the Region. The Chesapeake Bay Program will continue to advance the "Priorities for Action for Land, Growth and Stewardship in the Chesapeake Bay Region" through the identification of specific actions, commitments and resources.

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Adoption Statement - Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan, Amendment

The adoption statement was to implement the management strategies and actions recommended by this amendment to protect blue crab spawning potential, reduce exploitation, increase our biological understanding of blue crabs through monitoring, identify and protect blue crab habitat, and incorporate ecosystem processes.

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Adoption Statement - Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan

The 1997 Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan is a guide to conserving and protecting the blue crab resource for long-term ecological, economic and social benefits

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Apoption Statement - 2004 Oyster Management Plan

An adoption statement signed by the Executive Council to continue the 2004 Oyster Management Plan. The 2004 Oyster Management Plan provides both a general framework and specific guidance for rebuilding and managing the native oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in the Chesapeake Bay.

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Adoption Statement - Riparian Forest Buffers

In past commitments, we agreed to reduce nutrients, to restore habitat, to improve access to thousands of miles of habitat for migratory fish, and to enhance watershed management by developing and implementing tributary-specific pollution reduction strategies. Building on these past commitments, we now highlight the role that conservation, restoration, and stewardship of our riparian areas, and in particular riparian forests, play in reaching our long-term goals for restoration of the Chesapeake Bay.

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Adoption Statement - Fish Passage Goals

The Chesapeake Bay Program signatory partners commit to adopting the Fish Passage Goal, as stated: "During the period 2005–2014, the Chesapeake Bay jurisdictions will complete 100 fish passage and/or dam removal projects, which will open 1,000 miles of high-quality tributary habitat to migratory and resident fishes. The Chesapeake Bay jurisdictions will require passage at all new dams or other blockages that interfere with the free passage of migratory fish within the Chesapeake Bay watershed to the fullest extent possible. Actual fish utilization and passage will be documented at all new fish passage projects and, wherever possible, these projects will be integrated within locally supported watershed management or restoration plans."

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