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Principals' Staff Committee: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Action Statement

The Chesapeake Bay Program Principals' Staff Committee (PSC) accepts the report and recommendations in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Strategy (DEIJ Strategy) - developed by an independent consultant for the Chesapeake Bay Program Diversity Workgroup of the Stewardship Goal Implementation Team (GIT) and finalized in 2020. To the extent consistent with state and federal law and policy, members of the PSC will strive to implement the recommendations of the DEIJ Strategy.

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Invasive Catfish Policy Adoption Statement

The Sustainable Fisheries Goal Implementation Team Executive Committee has concluded that the potential risk posed by blue catfish and flathead catfish on native species warrants action to examine potential measures to reduce densities and limit range expansion, and to evaluate possible negative ecological impacts.

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Adoption Statement - Fisheries Ecosystem Management

An adoption statement signed by the Executive Council to implement ecosystem-based approaches to develop new or revised Chesapeake Bay Program Fishery Management Plans (FMPs), using Fisheries Ecosystem Planning for Chesapeake Bay (FEP) as guidance.

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Adoption Statement - Community Watershed Initiative

In 1998, the Chesapeake Executive Council signed an adoption statment supporting the Community Watershed Initiative Directive reaffirming the commitment to increase emphasis on watershed restoration, planning and management at small watershed scale to promote integration of Chesapeake Bay Program restoration goals at that level.

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Adoption Statement - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - December 2003

The adoption statement acknowledges that the most essential action in meeting the 2010 goal of 185,000 acres of SAV is meeting water clarity criteria in areas designed for SAV use. The document describes the important roles SAV plays in Bay ecology and outlines the four major and necessary actions to meeting their commitment in Chesapeake 2000. It was signed by members of the Executive Council on December 9, 2003

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Adoption Statement - Pesticide Management

To add to the Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Reduction and Prevention Strategy, the following additional goal: Develop and conduct basin wide education and outreach programs for commercial and household pesticide applicators to promote, by the year 2000.

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Adoption Statement - Guidelines for Developing and Revising Fishery Management Plan

Guidelines for developing and revising fishery management plans addresses the policy of the Chesapeake Bay Program to advocate the protection of Bay habitat, maintenance of ecological relationships and elimination of over harvesting of all finfish and shellfish which spend any or all of their life cycle in the Bay in order to assure the long-term sustainability of both the commercial and recreational fisheries for future generations

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Adoption Statement - Community Watershed Initiative

The Chesapeake Executive Council's Adoption State believes that the efforts of the Chesapeake Bay Program should not duplicate existing efforts that successfully address Program goals and objectives, that the Program and its partners should learn from those efforts. It also believes that community watershed organizations can learn from the work of the Bay Program and, where appropriate, modify their activities to effectively work in support of Chesapeake Bay Program goals and objectives.

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