
Showing 111 - 120 of 428 publications

Three-Dimensional Eutrophication Model of Chesapeake Bay

A three-dimensional, time-variable, eutrophication model, CE-QUAL-ICM, was applied to the Chesapeake Bay. The model incorporated 22 state variables that included physical properties, multiple forms of algae, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica, and dissolved xoygen. The model was part of a larger package that included a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and a benthic sediment diagenesis model

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Nutrient Reduction Technology Cost Estimations for Point Sources in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

This report is to provide costs estimates for treatment technologies associated with varying concentration levels of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from industrial and municipal wastewater plants in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The data will be used by the Chesapeake Bay Program to estimate costs of nutrient removal programs for all point-source categories across the Bay watershed during the nutrient and sediment water quality criteria and use development process.

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Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Technica

The Chesapeake Executive Council's adoption of a Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Policy and an Implementation Plan for the SAV Policy highlighted not only the need to develop SAV habitat requirements but also the need for baywide restoration goals for SAV distribution, density, and species diversity. In response to the commitments described in the SAV Policy Implementation Plan, a working group of scientists and managers produced this document.

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Phytoplankton Kinetics in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary Model

Modern eutrophication modeling of the Chesapeake Bay commenced in 1987. Recently, refinements were made to the 1993 Chesapeake Bay Estuary Model Package (CBEMP) including increased grid resolution, inclusion of the continental shelf at the Bay mouth, direct simulation of living resources, and extension of the validation period. This paper addresses the refined phytoplankton kinetics.

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