Showing 161 - 170 of 426

Elizabeth River Restoration - Leadership Review Draft

A 120-member Watershed Action Team worked on four taskforces to develop a restoration plan: Habitat and Living Resources; Sediment Quality; Water Quality, and Toxics Reduction. The Team recommends 18 restoration implementation actions, outlined in this report.

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Comparison of Mid-Bay & Lateral Station Water Quality Data in the Chesapeake Bay Mainstem

This study's goal is to assess the comparability of water quality results from the 10 analytical laboratories that participate in the Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program. This goal is being achieved by identifying any parameters that have low inter-organization agreement and estimating measurement system variability.

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Elizabeth River Restoration - Executive Summary

Executive Summary for the Elizabeth River Watershed Action Plan. This Watershed Action Plan completes a crucial planning phase for the Elizabeth River Project in carrying out its mission of a cleaner Elizabeth River, but by no means represents the end of the road.

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Chesapeake Toxicological Workshop Series - Executive Summary

The workshops addressed major categories of toxicological research, including suborganismal toxicity testing, whole organism toxicity, contaminant fate and transport, and ecological risk assessment.

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Chesapeake Bay Area Public Access Technical Assistance Report (2nd edition)

This report discusses the improvement of public access to the waters of the Bay, one of the major initiatives of the Chesapeake Bay Agreement of 1987. Increased public awareness through expanded Bay access opportunities is considered essential in gaining public support and commitment for the preservation of the Chesapeake Bay.

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