Showing 191 - 200 of 426

Chesapeake Bay White Paper-Chesapeake Bay Toxics Strategy

The Strategy Reevaluation was designed to evaluate toxic conditions of the Bay, assess the effects of current programs, and identify additional actions needed to further reduce toxics impacts in the Bay.

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Removing Impediments to Migratory Fishes in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed - Annual Progress Report

In 1997 and 1998 the CBP signatories opened 294.3 miles of blocked tributary habitat to migratory fish and 67 miles to resident fish (a total of 361.3 miles) within the Bay watershed. Since the program's inception, almost 80 projects have been completed, which opened 523.5 stream miles to migratory fish. This report discusses fish passage project currently in the planning, design or construction phases for 1999 and future years.

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Chesapeake Bay Living Resources 1997, Living Resources Subcommittee Annual Report

This report details the Chesapeake Bay Program's Living Resources Subcommittee accomplishments for 1997. Accomplishments in wetlands, bay grasses, oyster reef restoration, fisheries management, fish passage, habitat restoration, exotic species, waterfowl and other water birds, biological monitoring, and ecosystem modeling are presented.

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Third Biennial International Water Trails Conference

Edited verbatim proceedings of the water trails conference held in Shepherdstown, WV, October 9013, 1998. Discussion topics include: a keynote speech by U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes, Middle Potomac Water Trail, water trail case studies, status and trends of water trails, getting started, sustaining trails, ecotourism, Federal role in water trails, State and Provincial programs, and Chesapeake Bay water trail workshop.

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Chesapeake Bay Ambient Toxicity Assessment Workshop Report

This document is a first approach to develop consensus protocols for the use of biological indicators to monitor the effects of toxic contaminants in Chesapeake Bay habitats important to living resources.

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Small Watershed Grants Program FY1998 Final Report

This work contains the following themes as they relate to the Chesapeake Bay: Watersheds, Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability of the Bay/Stewardship.

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