Showing 281 - 290 of 426

Watershed Model Application to Calculate Bay Nutrient Loadings: Final Findings and Recommendations

This report presents the results of the combined Phase I/Phase II effort. Model calibration results are presented for hydrology, non-point loadings, and in-stream water quality for numerous sites throughout the Bay drainage. In addition, model estimates of Fall Line loads for various nutrient forms are compared with regression estimates used in the calibration of the Bay Model.

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Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay-1994

Assessment of distribution and abundance of SAV in Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries, and Chincoteague Bay in 1994. Black and white aerial photography at a scale of 1:24,000 was the principal source of information used in the study

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Analyzing Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Problems: Nutrient Control Policy in the Chesapeake Bay St

The 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement set a goal to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients entrance into the Bay by 40% by year 2000. In 1992's Amendments to the Chesapeake Bay Agreement, partners agreed to maintain the 40% goal beyond the year 2000 and to attack nutrients at their source -- upstream in the tributaries.

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Ambient Toxicity Testing Chesapeake Bay Year 5 Report

Evaluation of ambient toxicity of living resource habitats in Chesapeake Bay during the fall of 1995 at Pamunkey River (two stations), York River (two stations), James River (two stations), Willoughby Bay (one station) and Lynnhaven River (one station).

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