Showing 291 - 300 of 426

Chesapeake Bay Toxics Reduction and Prevention Strategy - Chesapeake Executive Council

In January 1989, the Chesapeake Executive Council adopted the Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy in fulfillment of the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement commitment and pledged to reevaluate the Strategy in 1992. The Strategy used the requirements of the 1987 Clean Water Act as a foundation for action and initiated a multi-jurisdictional effort to better define the nature, extent, and magnitude of toxics problems.

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Chesapeake Bay Area Nutrient Management Programs: An Overview

This report describes the current programs to ameliorate nonpoint sources of pollution to the Bay that have been developed by the four jurisdictions in cooperation with other agencies; the achievements to date in terms of pollutant removal; and recommendations for future directions of the Bay program over the next several years. The report is organized into five chapters.

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Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay-1996

Assessment of the distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries, and four Delmarva island barrier bays in 1996. Black-and-white photography at a scale of 1:24,000 was the principal source of information.

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