Showing 321 - 330 of 426

Chesapeake Bay: Introduction to an Ecosystem 2000

A comprehensive overview of the geology and waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its habitats, biological communities and living resources. The Living Natural Bay/Ecosystems, Watersheds, Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability of the Bay/Stewardship

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Tributary Refinements to the Chesapeake Bay Model

A series of refinements were added to a previously-completed three-dimensional eutrophication model of Chesapeake Bay. Refinements included increased grid resolution in the western tributaries and in shallow littoral areas, extension of the grid onto the continental shelf, extension of the validation period to 1985-1994, and addition of living resources. Computations of zooplankton, submerged aquatic vegetation, and benthos compared successfully with observations aggregated over annual time scales and at spatial scales on the order of 100 km2.

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Balancing the Landscape - Retaining Forests in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

This report summaries the key findings shared at a conference held in November 1999 and provides a set of recommendation targeted at various sectors of society that can influence public policy aimed at mitigating the negative aspects of forest fragmentation.

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Forests for the Bay

This study recommends the adoption of forest landscape policy goals and recommends a variety of specific improvements and additions to existing tax, acquisition, forest management, land use and urban forest programs that would improve the forests for the benefit of the public, landowners, and the environment.

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The Optimization of Benefits from Wetlands Restoration

State and federal agencies have been engaged in restoration and creation of wetlands for many years, generally as part of programs focused on habitat and water quality management. In the late 1990s recognition of the growing cumulative loss of wetland resources, spurred Chesapeake Bay Program partners to make commitments to seek not only no net loss of the resources, but an effective net resource gain. A goal of restoring 25,000 acres of wetlands within the Chesapeake watershed by 2010 was adopted as part of the Chesapeake 2000 agreement. The Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) developed this workshop to afford practitioners and interested parties from the Chesapeake Bay Program partners an opportunity to exchange information, discuss emerging ideas, and suggest future directions. The workshop outcomes are presented in this report and grouped into four general areas: 1.) what is currently going on in Chesapeake Bay wetlands restoration; 2.) what the state of the science is to guide wetlands restoration in the Bay; 3.) what has been learned from ongoing efforts to restore wetlands; and 4.) what should happen next in restoration of Chesapeake Bay wetlands.

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Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application & Calculation of Nutrient & Sediment Loadings. Appendix B

Appendix B documents the water quality calibration of the Phase IV Watershed Model. Simulated and observed concentrations are compared for 8 years of calibration (1984-1991) at 15 water quality stations. Calibration data is shown for temperature, dissolved oxygen, total suspended sediment, total phosphorus, organic and particulate phosphorus, phosphate, total nitrogen, nitrate, total ammonia, and organic nitrogen.

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Contaminants in Chesapeake Bay Sediments 1984-1991

The primary objectives of this report are to describe the spatial patterns in the distribution of sediment chemical contaminants in Chesapeake Bay and to compare sediment chemical contaminant concentrations in Chesapeake Bay to sediment quality guidelines in order to identify areas where sediment chemical contaminants may adversely impact

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