Showing 391 - 400 of 428

2004 Chesapeake Bay Oyster Management Plan

The Oyster Management Plan includes both a general framework and specific guidance for managing and rebuilding the native oyster stock in Chesapeake Bay. The development of the plan was a multi-partner endeavor by representatives from state and federal agencies, academia, environmental organizations, and the oyster industry. The strategies include evaluating the use of sanctuaries and harvest reserves to obtain optimum ecological and economic benefits; rebounding habitat; increasing hatchery production; breeding disease-resistant oysters; evaluating impediments to aquaculture; managing harvest; improving coordination among the oyster partners; and developing a database to track oyster restoration projects and monitor results.

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DRAFT- Nitrogen Outputs from Forested Watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin

This report focuses on the identified need of the Chesapeake bay Program to better simulate nitrogen outputs from the forested portions of the Bay drainage and a short-term desire to the US EPA to be able to build off of the existing HSPF model, if possible, for implementation within one to two years. In addition, EPA was interested in a model that would be responsive to changes in atmospheric deposition. Three activities were undertaken to meet EPA's needs 1.) reviewed the literature on forest N pools and fluxes, 2.) reviewed N data from research catchments in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin, and 3.) convened a workshop of scientists knowledgeable about forest N literature, data, and models. The workshop undertook the following tasks: 1.)Evaluate how realistic the estimated N loads were from forested watersheds using the current model, 2.) Evaluate the HSPF AGCHEM module structure with regard to possible modification and use for a new forest module, 3.) Identify available data for parameterization and verification of a new forest module. This document reports on their findings and conclusions from these activities.

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Forestry Best Management Practices and Water Quality in the Piedmont and Ridge and Valley Provinces

A literature review was conducted to determine the effectiveness of forestry best management practices (BMPs) in reducing water quality impacts of forestry management operations within the Piedmont and Ridge-and-Valley of the Chesapeake Bay watershed (CBW). Two apsects of BMP effectiveness were addressed: the ability of BMPs to reduce impacts on water quality, and compliance with state-recommended BMPs.

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The State of Chesapeake Forests

This first-of-its-kind report synthesizes more than a decade's worth of data from public and private sources, highlights current forest conditions, forecasts future trends, and outlines key goals and strategies necessary to conserve and restore the forests of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The report calls for a strategic, long-term approach that identifies and focuses on forests with the highest environmental, economic, and social values. Together, public and private partners can help preserve the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its residents through a concerted effort to protect its forests.

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Economic Analyses of Nutrients and Sediment Reduction Actions To Restore Chesapeake Bay Water Qualit

In developing revised water quality standards for the Chesapeake Bay and its Tidal tributaries, states may conduct use attainability analyses. This document provides economic analyses performed by the CBP related controls to meet revised criteria and designated uses that would be adopted during the course of revising water quality standards. These analyses are companion pieces to the technical support document developed by US EPA.

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Benchmarks for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Chlorophyll and Suspended Sediments in Chesapeake Bay

One of the Tidal monitoring and Analysis Workgroup's primary responsibilities is assessing and reporting the status and trends of nutrients and other parameters monitored within the scope of the Chesapeake Bay Program water quality and biological monitoring programs. Status answers the question are we relative to benchmarks indicating where we should; want or expect to be? Trend, in conjunction with status, answers the questions: Are we improving or getting worse relative to those benchmarks? The objective of this project is to develop benchmarks for Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Nitrogen (TN), Chlorophyll (CHLa) and suspended solids (TSS).

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Recommendations for the 2003 Directive on Expanded Riparian Buffer Goals in the Chesapeake Bay Water

As part of the Chesapeake 2000 agreement, Chesapeake Bay Program partners agreed to establish expanded goals for riparian forest buffer mileage in the Bay watershed by 2003. In response to that commitment, the Chesapeake Bay Program Forestry Workgroup has developed the recommendations within this report for acceptance at the 2003 Chesapeake Executive Council Meeting. These recommendations, including a number of goals and related policy actions, are presented collectively as the 2003 Directive for Expanded Riparian Forest Buffer Goals. The proposed goals build on the existing riparian buffer initiative from 1996. This report details these proposed goals, along with the related policy recommendations and the factors that shaped them.

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