January 1, 1993
Chesapeake Bay Program
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This report focuses on the identified need of the Chesapeake bay Program to better simulate nitrogen outputs from the forested portions of the Bay drainage and a short-term desire to the US EPA to be able to build off of the existing HSPF model, if possible, for implementation within one to two years. In addition, EPA was interested in a model that would be responsive to changes in atmospheric deposition. Three activities were undertaken to meet EPA's needs 1.) reviewed the literature on forest N pools and fluxes, 2.) reviewed N data from research catchments in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin, and 3.) convened a workshop of scientists knowledgeable about forest N literature, data, and models. The workshop undertook the following tasks: 1.)Evaluate how realistic the estimated N loads were from forested watersheds using the current model, 2.) Evaluate the HSPF AGCHEM module structure with regard to possible modification and use for a new forest module, 3.) Identify available data for parameterization and verification of a new forest module. This document reports on their findings and conclusions from these activities.

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