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2022 Blue Crab Advisory Report

Annual report published by the Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Committee that summarizes the results of the Winter Dredge Survey and harvest information, and provides management advice for the jurisdictions based on stock status.

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CBP DEIJ Strategy

This strategy was developed by an independent consultant (Skeo Solutions) for the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. It contains recommendations that are grouped into four DEIJ framework focus areas. The consultant developed these recommendations based on interviews with CBP teams and leadership, a DEIJ readiness survey, two focus groups, a review of key partnership policy documents and input from the Diversity Workgroup. The recommendations provide a visionary framework to be used by the partnership as a guide to achieve the following:

  • Increase racial and ethnic diversity among partnership staff and leadership.
  • Help partners develop as DEIJ leaders who understand, respect and embrace cultural diversity.
  • Provide partners with the tools to continually assess progress towards diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice goals.

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