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Tributary Strategy for Nutrient Reduction in Maryland's Upper Western Shore 1995

This document is a Strategy or an approach to achieve the 40% nutrient reduction goal for the Upper Western Shore watershed. It represents a collective effort over the past year among all levels of government, and extensive input by various interest groups and citizens. The local governments, in particular, have spent considerable time and effort and provided numerous comments on the drat Strategies. This Strategy is meant to be flexible in order to incorporate these changes so that the goal can be met in the most efficient and practical manner.

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Tributary Strategy for Nutrient Reduction in Maryland's Upper Potomac Watershed 1995

This document is a Strategy or an approach to achieve the 40% nutrient reduction goal for the Upper Potomac watershed. It represents a collective effort over the past year among all levels of government, and extensive input by various interest groups and citizens. The local governments, in particular, have spent considerable time and effort and provided numerous comments on the draft Strategies. The Strategy shows how the goal may be achieved through specific programs and practices, called "nutrient reduction options." This strategy is meant to be flexible in order to incorporate these changes so that the goal can be met in the most efficient and practical manner.

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Tributary Strategy for Nutrient Reduction in Maryland's Upper Eastern Shore Watershed 1995

This document is a Strategy or an approach to achieve the 40% butrient reduction goal for the Upper Eastern Shore watershed. It represents a collective effort over the past year among all levels of government, and extensive input by various interest groups and citizens. The local governments, in particular, have spent considerable time and effort and provided numberous comments on the draft Strategies. The Strategy shows how the goal may be achieved through specific programs and practices, called "nutrient reduction options." This Strategy is meant to be flexible in order to incorporate these changes so that the goal can be met in the most efficient and practical manner.

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Water Quality Trading Assessment Handbook_Can Water Quality Trading Advance Your Watershed's Goals?

this handbook is intended to help you answer the third and fourth questions listed in the document, providing an analytical framework to assess the conditions and water quality problem(s) in a watershed and determine whether WQT could be effectively used to meet the water quality standards. The framework is illustrated through the use of example trades in a hypothetical river basin which will familiarize the reader with the requisities and potential benefits of specific trading scenarios.

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Vanishing Lands 1995

This handbook describes the formation of the Chesapeake ecosystem, characteristics, how it is being changed by sea-leavel rise, and how modern civilization may alter the rate of sea-leavel rise. Nost important, however, this handbook offers choices-those actions we can take as individuals and as a society to protect this treasured estuary.

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Tributary Water Quality Characterization Report 1987

This report presents the tributary water quality data collected from December 1986 through November 1987 on the James, Rappahannock, York and Pamunkey rivers. Individual stations located on the Apprmattox, Chickahominy, Mattaponi, and Corrotoman rivers will be report on separately. This report is a description of the conditions or a "characterization" of the water quality during the reporting period using simple statistics and graphical presentations. Each chapter has a brief discussion of the concepts involved, followed by presentations.

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Tributary Water Quality Characterization Report 1986

The objective of this report is to present the tributary water quality data collected from December 1985 through November 1986. This report will focus on the James,Rappahannock, York, and Pamunkey rivers. Individual stations located on the Appomattox, Checkahoming, Mattaponi, and Corrotoman rivers will be reported on seperately. This report is a description of the conditions or a "characterization" of the water quality during the reporting period using simple statistics and graphical presentation. The second major objective of this monitoring program is trend detection.

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Tributary Strategy for Nutrient Reduction in Maryland's Patuxent Watershed 1995Tributary Strategy f

This document is a Strategy or an approach to achieve the 40% nutrient reduction goal for the Patuxent watershed. It represents a collective effort ove rthe past year among all levels of government, and extensive input by various interest groups and citizens. The local governments, in particular, have spent considerable time and effort and provided numerous comments on the draft Strategies. This Strategy is meant to be flexible in order to invorporate tjhese changes so that the goal can be met in the most efficient and practical manner.

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