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Acid Mine Drainage Loadings to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed 1998

The purpose of this literature synthesis is to determine the significance of AMD in contributing trace elements (contaminants) to the Chesapeake Bay watershed and determine the extent of the contribution from a local, regional and Baywide perspective. In addition, this literature syntheses will provide the Toxics Subcommitt of the Chesapeake Bay Program with information for revision of the Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Loading and Release Inventory and establishing a loading baseline and reduction target for acid mine drainage.

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A Commitment Renewed_Restoration Progress and the Course Ahead Under the 1987 Agreement 1988

This report summarizes current knowledge about the problems of the Bay, identifies emerging issues, and present new information about the effectiveness of cleanup prograks. It documents the findings and works performed since 1983, and explains how they lead to a new, expanded Agreement. Chapter 1 outlines restoration and protection efforts, which focus on reducing the flow of nutrients and toxic substances to the Bay, and relates them to Chesapeake Bay Program goals. It also summarizes key commitments and objectives of the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement. Habitat and living resources goals for the Bay and its tributaries are detailed in Chapter 2.

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Chesapeake Bay Program_SAV Ecosystem Analysis Documentation 1993

The goal of this analysis was to estimate nitrogen loads that could be used to assess the potential impact of nitrogen uptake by eelgrass on dissolved oxygen levels in the Bay, using the Chesapeake Bay 3D computer model. To do this, it was assumed that the eelgrass was growing at maximum density in all suitable SAV habitat in the Bay and its tidal tributaries, and an estimation was made of how much nitrogen would be taken up by the eelgrass during the growing season, and when it would be released.

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Chesapeake Bay Stories_Review of the Chesapeake Bay Program Communications Stories and Related Infor

This report presents the preliminary findings from an in-depth analysis of interviews with selected Chesapeake Bay Program partners and staff conducted during August-September 2004. The study, co-sponsored bythe Chesapeake Bay Program's Information Subcommittee (IMS) and the Communications and Education Subcommittee (CESC), had the overall goal of gaining a better understanding the essential stories being commuicated about the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort and Chesapeake Bay Program activities.

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Potential Environmental Indicators for Assessing the Health of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed 2005

The CBP Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) sponsored a workshop on "Developing Environmental Indicators for Assessing the Health of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed" to support the development of the CBP watershed health assessment. The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) is obligated to report to the public on progress in restoring the health of the watershed. It intends to add a watersheld health component to its annual Health and Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

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