January 5, 1998
ODU; College of Wm and Mary

This document represents a systhesis of the overall findings of water quality and living resources data generated over the first 12 years (1985 through 1996) of the Virginia Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program. In this report, patterns of water quality and living resources for Virginia's tributaries and the Virginia Chesapeake Bay are examined. Patterns of nutrient loadings are examined for the entire watershed of each river; however status and trends in water quality and living resources are presented on for the tidal portion of each river. Te tidal portion of each river (also referred to as an estuary) represents that portion which is influenced by tides and by the mixing of saltwater from the ocean and freshwater from land runoff and groundwater. A series of more technical documents is also available which contain detailed statistical results that are the basis of this report.

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