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Scope and Purpose

The Agricultural Advisory Committee was created by the Chesapeake Executive Council through a directive signed on December 10, 2024. The committee advises the Executive Council, Principals’ Staff Committee and Management Board on strategies and opportunities for agricultural operations to more effectively meet the Chesapeake Bay watershed’s restoration and conservation goals. Consisting of farmers, urban farmers, agribusiness representatives and technical professionals who help farmers fund and implement conservation practices, the AAC is a voice for producers and industry. The AAC focuses on high-level policy issues, ensuring its scope complements, but does not overlap, the technical work conducted by other groups within the Bay Program partnership.


Agricultural Advisory Committee Backgrounder

This backgrounder summarizes the formation and purpose of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Agricultural Advisory Committee. This includes an overview of the recommendations given to the Chesapeake Executive Council prior to forming the committee, the need for an advisory committee representing the agricultural industry and the Executive Council directive that formed the committee.

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Agricultural Advisory Committee Bylaws

Produced by the Agricultural Advisory Committee Action Team, these bylaws and recommendations include the Agricultural Advisory Committee’s statement of need, charge, organizational structure and leadership, criteria for membership and terms of office. The document also details the committee’s meeting schedule and processes for amending the bylaws.

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Chesapeake Executive Council Directive No. 24-1 Establishment of a Chesapeake Bay Program Agricultural Advisory Committee

The Chesapeake Executive Council Director No. 24-1 established the Chesapeake Bay Program's Agricultural Advisory Committee. The intent of this committee is to facilitate greater engagement of the agricultural sector in the policy development conversations of the Chesapeake Bay Program and serve as a voice for producers to Chesapeake Bay Program leadership by providing high-level policy recommendations to the Chesapeake Executive Council, Principals’ Staff Committee and Management Board. Reciprocally, Advisory Committee members will also help to inform their agricultural networks on the goals and progress of the partnership.

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