Local Planning Goals Task Force
Upcoming Meetings
No upcoming meetings.
Scope and Purpose
The Local Area Targets Task Force was convened by the Water Quality Goal Implementation Team to make recommendations regarding whether the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) should include local area targets (LATs) and, if so, present options for how these targets could be expressed in different jurisdictions. The Task Force addressed findings from the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Stakeholder Assessment, including the goal of raising awareness of local partners' contribution towards acheiving the Bay TMDL; the technical capacity of the Phase 6 Chesapeake Bay Program modeling suite; how local implementation addresses local conditions, needs and opportunities, such as local water quality; and the availability of tools to assist in the development and optimization of local implementation strategies. The Task Force considered jurisdictions' efforts and methods to develop LATs as part of the Phase II WIPs and recent work to establish federal facility targets. Task Force recommendations will inform the Phase III WIP expectations.
The Task Force presented their final recommendations to the Water Quality Goal Implementation Team in December 2016. Their recommendation report was approved, and the group was formally sunsetted.
Projects and Resources
Local Planning Goals Task Force Charge, Membership, and Recommendations
The Local Planning Goals Task Force was convened by the Water Quality Goal Implementation Team (WQGIT) to make recommendations regarding whether the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) should include Llocal planning goals and, if so, present options for how those goalscould be expressed in different jurisdictions. The complete charge, membership, and recommendations of the Task Force are below:
Lisa Schaefer (Chair)
Joan Salvati (Chair), Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, Virginia 23218
Email: Joan.Salvati@deq.virginia.gov
Phone: (804) 698-4230
Lucinda Power (Coordinator), Branch Chief, Partnerships and Accountability, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1750 Forest Drive Suite 130
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Email: power.lucinda@epa.gov
Phone: (410) 267-5722
David Wood (Staffer), Chesapeake Stormwater Network
Martin Hurd, Fairfax County (VA)
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 449
Fairfax, Virginia 22035-0052
Email: martin.hurd@fairfaxcounty.gov
Phone: (703) 324-5644
Sarah Diebel, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
1510 Gilbert Street
Building N-26 Room 3300
Norfolk, Virginia 23511
Email: sarah.diebel@navy.mil
Phone: (757) 341-0383
Jen Walls, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
89 Kings Highway
Dover, Delaware 19901
Email: Jennifer.Walls@state.de.us
Phone: (302) 739-9062
Jennifer Sincock, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 3
1650 Arch St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Email: sincock.jennifer@epa.gov
Phone: (215) 814-5766
Ruby Brabo, King George County (VA)
Bruce Williams, City of Takoma Park (MD)
James Wheeler, Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PA)
Jim George, Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Email: jgeorge@mde.state.md.us
Phone: (410) 537-3579
Normand Goulet, Northern Virginia Regional Commission
3060 Williams Drive
Suite 510
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Email: ngoulet@novaregion.org
Phone: (703) 642-4634
Cassie Davis, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, 4th Floor
Albany, New York 12233-3507
Email: Cassandra.davis@dec.ny.gov
Phone: (518) 402-8283
Kristen Wolf, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Ted Tesler, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
P.O. Box 2063
400 Market Street, 2nd Floor
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105
Email: thtesler@state.pa.us
Phone: (717) 772-5621
Matthew Pennington, Downstream Strategies
Wendy Walsh, Tioga County Soil & Water
Joan Salvati, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, Virginia 23218
Email: Joan.Salvati@deq.virginia.gov
Phone: (804) 698-4230
Chris Pomeroy, AquaLaw PLC
6 South 5th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Email: Chris@AquaLaw.com
Phone: (804) 716-9021 x2
Alana Hartman, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
22288 Northwestern Pike
Romney, West Virginia 26757
Email: alana.c.hartman@wv.gov
Phone: (304) 822-7266
Katie Frazier, Virginia Agribusiness Council
Joe Wood, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Charlotte Katzenmoyer, City of Lancaster (PA)
Lisa Schaefer
Scott Rae
Debbie Byrd
Whitney Katchmark, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
Chris Thomas, King George County (VA)
10458 Courthouse Dr
King George, Virginia 22485
Email: christophert@co.kinggeorge.state.va.us