Best Management Practices (BMP) Verification Committee Projects and Resources
Basinwide BMP Verification Framework Document
Revised final draft of the Chespeake Bay Basinwide BMP Verification Framwork document, updated in August 2014 for review by the Management Board. Supporting documentation provided as Appendices A-U.
- BMP verification framework final draft for mb review 08112014 [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- BMP verification framework document with all appendices [PDF, 34.7 MB]
- All appendices (A-U) [PDF, 33.4 MB]
- Appendix a--bmp verification principles [PDF, 341.7 KB]
- Appendix b--combined sector-habitat bmp verification guidance [PDF, 3.0 MB]
- Appendix c--bmp verification review panel charge and members [PDF, 500.9 KB]
- Appendix d--cbp bmp verif review panel recommendations 11 19 2013 [PDF, 627.9 KB]
- Appendix e--ensuring full access to federal conservation practice data [PDF, 391.0 KB]
- Appendix f--usgs hively et al 2013 [PDF, 2.5 MB]
- Appendix g--enhance collection and reporting of cost shared practices [PDF, 295.5 KB]
- Appendix h--cbp resource improvement practice definitions and visual indicators document 8-8-14 [PDF, 3.4 MB]
- Appendix i-placeholder [PDF, 82.2 KB]
- Appendix j--acknowledgments [PDF, 78.3 KB]
- Appendix k--list of cbp groups [PDF, 165.4 KB]
- Appendix l--building the basinwide framework [PDF, 550.6 KB]
- Appendix m--partnership process for development of the basinwide bmp verification framework [PDF, 402.5 KB]
- Appendix n--record of cbp meetings and teleconferences including bmp verification [PDF, 139.9 KB]
- Appendix o--verification guidance development and review process [PDF, 471.1 KB]
- Appendix p--relative load reductions analysis 02112014 [PDF, 681.3 KB]
- Appendix q--nps bmp qapp-guidance 8-11-14 [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- Appendix r--eo13508 [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Appendix s--nrc 2011 report chatper on bmp tracking and accountability [PDF, 790.4 KB]
- Appendix t--cac correspondence combined [PDF, 25.8 MB]
- Appendix u--draft stac verification oversight subgroup 16aug2013 [PDF, 1.6 MB]
Integrating Federal and State data records to report progress
Integrating Federal and State data records to report progress in establishing agricultural conservation practices on Chesapeake Bay farms. The final published report and appendices are available online via USGS:
Hively, W.D., Devereux, O.H., and Claggett, Peter, 2013, Integrating Federal and State data records to report progress in establishing agricultural conservation practices on Chesapeake Bay farms: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1287, 36 p.,
Existing State and USGS 1619 Data Sharing Agreements
Maryland, New York, Virginia and West Virginia as well as the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) currently have signed 1619 data sharing agreements with U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Farm Services Agency (FSA). As part of the collaborative work on larger BMP Verification Framework, the jurisdictional partners are working closely with NRCS and FSA to ensure all six states have consistent, comprehensive data sharing agreements in place. The objective is to ensure each jurisdiction has equal and full access to all federally cost shared data needed to fully credit producers for their implementation conservation practices. These agreements ensure that full access to data while maintaining the business confidentiality of the individual producers information and data. The USGS’s 1619 data sharing agreements with NRCS and FSA were put into place to assist the six states in: getting full access to the federal cost shared data; enhancing their existing tracking and reporting systems; and developing and fully implementing procedures to eliminate any double counting of individual practices funded by two (or more) state/federal cost share programs.
- Md nrcs 1619 compliance agreement mda [PDF, 193.4 KB]
- Usgs nrcs cooperative agreement 12 14 10 [PDF, 341.0 KB]
- Usgs fsa nrcs data handling procedures 3 2011 [PDF, 158.5 KB]
- Wvda usda 1619 compliance agreement [PDF, 2.2 MB]
- 9 approval for bilateral sharing of data with states [PDF, 156.8 KB]
- Va nrcs 1619 data sharing agreement [PDF, 227.5 KB]
- Usgs fsa cooperative agreement 8 2 10 [PDF, 2.5 MB]
- Wvca nrcs 1619 data sharing agreement 2 2012 [PDF, 931.2 KB]
- Ny usc nrcs 1619 compliance agreement [PDF, 2.0 MB]
Documentation and Tables for CBP-Approved BMPs
To view the most recent version of the Scenario Builder documentation, go here:
Jurisdictions' BMP Tracking and Reporting Leads and Contacts
Jurisdictions' Quality Assurance Plans Including BMP Tracking and Reporting Program Documentation
- Delaware QAPP for nonpoint with appendices [PDF, 2.6 MB]
- District of Columbia QAPP [PDF, 214.6 KB]
- Maryland QAPP Agriculture BMPs [PDF, 715.1 KB]
- Maryland QAPP for wastewater [PDF, 1.2 MB]
- Maryland QAPP Forest BMPs [PDF, 185.9 KB]
- MDE QAPP - NPS BMP data [PDF, 1.7 MB]
- New York QAPP [PDF, 542.7 KB]
- New York USC QAPP with attachment [PDF, 117.6 KB]
- Pennsylvania QAPP for nonpoint [PDF, 2.4 MB]
- Pennsylvania point source data QAPP [PDF, 358.6 KB]
- Virginia QAPP [PDF, 482.0 KB]
- West Virginia point source data QAPP [PDF, 347.2 KB]
- Virginia QAPP [PDF, 272.1 KB]
- West Virginia nonpoint QAPP [PDF, 654.1 KB]