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Resolution in Support of the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership

At the 2017 meeting of the Executive Council, representatives from the six Chesapeake Bay watershed states, the District of Columbia and the Chesapeake Bay Commission signed a resolution in support of the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. The resolution calls upon the President and United States Congress to continue the current level of federal support for the Chesapeake Bay Program, including the coordinating role of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chesapeake Bay Program. It also calls for science, monitoring, modeling and restoration to continue with the full participation of local, state and federal agencies and private sector partners as appropriate. Because of advocacy statements contained within the resolution, federal law and practice prohibited the EPA from signing.

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Directive 08-1: Leading the Nation in Development of a Sustainable Next-Generation Biofuels Industry

In November 2008, the Chesapeake Executive Council issued the Directive: Leading the Nation in Development of a Sustainable Next-Generation Biofuels Industry (08-1). This directive adopts the findings of the Report: Next Generation Biofuels--Taking the Policy Lead for the Nation through the following actions:

  1. Implementation of the Biofuel Action Plans which address the state and regional recommendations as presented in the Report.
  2. In 2009, the jurisdictions will develop a regional next-generation Biofuels production goal that includes a plan for market and facility development along with best management practices implementation necessary to support an environmentally sustainable biofuels feedstock.
  3. Reconvening of the Biofuels Advisory Panel during 2009.

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Protecting the Forests of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed - A Response to Directive 06-1

In 2006, the Chesapeake Executive Council recognized that retaining, expanding, and sustainably managing forest lands is essential to restoring a healthy Chesapeake Bay by signing Directive 06-01. This implementation document responds to Directive 06-1 by identifying specific actions we will take to conserve and restore forests in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

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Directive 06-1 Protecting the Forests of the Chesapeake Watershed

Retaining and expanding forests in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is critical to our success in restoring the Chesapeake Bay. Forests are the most beneficial land use for protecting water quality, due to their ability to capture, filter and retain water, as well as absorb pollution from the air. In Chesapeake 2000, we committed to Permanently preserve from development 20 percent of the land area in the watershed by 2010 and conserve existing forests along all streams and shorelines.

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Resolution to Enhance the Role and Voice of Agriculture in the Chesapeake Bay Partnership

Agriculture is a primary economic sector in the region containing 3.2 percent of the nation's farm acreage, yet producing 5.7 percent of the nation's agricultural receipts and contributing 13 percent of region's Gross Domestic Product. Farmers in the watershed have been leaders in the voluntary restoration effort and a national model for cooperation. The next Farm Bill may provide unprecedented opportunity to provide support for many Chesapeake Bay agricultural program. A clear voice from the agriculture community is needed in order to help direct and propel the Chesapeake Bay partnership in a direction that enhances clean up and provides for increased farm viability.

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Memorandum of Understanding Among Chesapeake Executive Council, Headwater State Jurisdictions and Members of the Lawn Care Product Manufacturing Industry

Nutrient losses from all contributing activities on developed lands account for about one quarter of the excess phosphorus and one eighth of the excess nitrogen loads entering the Chesapeake. Members of the Lawn Care Product Manufacturing Industry, represented by the The Scotts company LLC, have been working diligently with the Chesapeake Bay Program and the Land Grant Universities of the watershed to develop a scientifically based, environmentally beneficial and economically viable Stewardship Program to reduce nutrient losses from homeowner fertilized lawns.

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Resolution to Enhance the Role of the United States Department of Agriculture in the Chesapeake Bay Partnership

This resolution urges the Secretary of Agriculture to make the Chesapeake Bay Watershed a priority objective by heightening coordination efforts with other Federal departments and agencies in order to leverage resources available from Federal programs, such as the Farm Bill, the private sector and the States and that they will utilize, where appropriate, the experience of the Chesapeake Bay Program as Farm Bill rules are developed for programs included in Title 2: Conservation; Title 7: Research; Title 8: Forestry; and Title 9: Energy.

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