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Chesapeake Bay Species Habitat Fecundity Matrix

The Sustainable Fisheries Goal Implementation Team (Fisheries GIT) of the Chesapeake Bay Program was allocated Tetra Tech (Tt) time to support Management Strategies under the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Agreement. The Fish Habitat Action Team under the Fisheries GIT requested Tt develop a matrix compiling information on habitat requirements, stressors, and threats for egg and larval life stages of lesser-studied species across the Chesapeake Bay.

Fish and shellfish in the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed rely on a variety of important habitats throughout the watershed. These habitats, which are key to sustaining fisheries, are being threatened by a suite of stressors and sources such as increased urbanization, poor water quality and climate change. Successful fisheries management depends on knowing what and where these important habitats are and addressing the potential and realized threats to their integrity. Tetra Tech will provide staff time and resources to develop products in support of the Fish Habitat Outcome and Management Strategy ( As a first step the Management Strategy calls for compiling information on key species, their habitat requirements, habitat functions (generally spawning, nursery, and forage), and the threats or stressors to these habitats.

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Species Habitat Matrix

The Sustainable Fisheries Goal Implementation Team (Fisheries GIT) of the Chesapeake Bay Program was allocated Tetra Tech (Tt) time to support Management Strategies under the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Agreement. The Fish Habitat Action Team under the Fisheries GIT requested Tt develop a matrix of available habitat requirements, threats and stressors for lesser-studied species across the Chesapeake Bay.

Fish and shellfish in the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed rely on a variety of important habitats throughout the watershed. These habitats, which are key to sustaining fisheries, are being threatened by a suite of stressors and sources such as increased urbanization, poor water quality and climate change. Successful fisheries management depends on knowing what and where these important habitats are and addressing the potential and realized threats to their integrity. Tetra Tech will provide staff time and resources to develop products in support of the Fish Habitat Outcome and Management Strategy ( As a first step the Management Strategy calls for compiling information on key species, their habitat requirements, habitat functions (generally spawning, nursery, and forage), and the threats or stressors to these habitats.

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Chesapeake Bay Species Habitat Literature Review

The Sustainable Fisheries Goal Implementation Team (Fisheries GIT) of the Chesapeake Bay Program was allocated Tetra Tech (Tt) time to support Management Strategies under the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Agreement. The Fish Habitat Action Team under the Fisheries GIT requested Tt develop a detailed literature review for lesser-studied species across the Chesapeake Bay.

Fish and shellfish in the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed rely on a variety of important habitats throughout the watershed. These habitats, which are key to sustaining fisheries, are being threatened by a suite of stressors and sources such as increased urbanization, poor water quality and climate change. Successful fisheries management depends on knowing what and where these important habitats are and addressing the potential and realized threats to their integrity. Tetra Tech will provide staff time and resources to develop products in support of the Fish Habitat Outcome and Management Strategy ( As a first step the Management Strategy calls for compiling information on key species, their habitat requirements, habitat functions (generally spawning, nursery, and forage), and the threats or stressors to these habitats.

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