Showing 301 - 310 of 426

Technical Tools Used in the Development of Virginia's Tributary Strategies

Virginia regional and local stakeholders and partners involved in the nutrient reduction goal setting and tributary strategy development process were provided with in-depth information of direct relevance from the best data available to the Bay's scientific and technical community. This document is a synthesis of the overall findings and modeling results conducted during the assessment phase of Virginia's Tributary Strategy process.

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Development of a Suspension Feeding and Deposit Feeding Benthos Model for Chesapeake Bay

The coupled water quality-sediment diagensis model for the Chesapeake Bay has been enhanced with the addition of the dynamically-computed benthic biomass. The benthos was divided into two functional components, deposit-feeding polychaetes and suspension-feeding bivalves. An empirical relationship was derived based on monitoring data for the dominant species inhabiting the major salinity regimes of the Chesapeake Bay that related modeled areal biomass to characteristic individual size, so that filtration and respiration rates vary dynamically over time and space.

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The Fourth Biennial Progress Report of Agreement of Federal AGencies on Ecosystem Management Federal

This is the fourth biennial progress report of the progress made by Federal agencies on the commitments made in the Agreement of Federal Agencies on Ecosystem Management in the Chesapeake Bay, signed on July 14, 1994 and the second biennial report of Federal Progress on commitments made in the Federal AGencies Chesapeake Ecosystem Unified Plan, signed November 5, 1998. This report covers progress from April 1, 1999 through April 1, 2001.

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Ambient Toxicity Assessment Workshop Report

This workshop resulted in general agreement on recommendations for a list of suitable methodologies and species that are appropriate from bioassessment.

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Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Public Comments Summary

Following the release of the Nutrient Trading Fundamental Principles and Guidelines - Draft, sixteen public meetings were collectively held throughout the watershed in each of the signatory jurisdictions. All jurisdictions received numerous public comments during the meetings as well as written comments during the review period. This document is a summary of the comments (both during the public meetings as well as those written) received by the jurisdictions.

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